Here’s an easy, balanced dinner idea for tonight! File this one under ‘ways to get in your veggies without making a salad’.
This recipe doesn’t require any cooking (aside from the rice which, to be honest, most of the time I use 90-second microwavable whole grain packets), it’s just assembling fresh ingredients! And look at all that color…
2 almond flour tortillas
1/2 cup black beans
1/4 cup brown rice
1 tsp taco seasoning
1 cup arugula
1/4 cup salsa
1/2 avocado
2 tbsp cotija
1 tbsp hemp seeds
sprinkle of red cabbage and cilantro to garnish
recipe (makes 2 tacos)
1. heat tortillas on a skillet for 2-3 mins on each side until warm and crispy
2. place tortillas on a plate to build your taco
3. cook brown rice
4. in a small bowl add black beans and taco seasoning and mix
5. divide the following ingredients evenly between the 2 tacos: black beans, brown rice, salsa, avocado, cotija, purple cabbage and cilantro
6. drizzle with sriracha and enjoy!